Sphynx aren’t just cats

Sphynx are family

There is nothing quite like a sphynx.

Each cat is unique, but the unifying factor common amongst sphynx is the way they connect with people.

They are charming, funny and delightful. They want to be loved. And they are very hard to resist.

They can be hard work, but they’re worth every second.

And that’s how your story begins!

Our story

It started with one.

Cheeky, charming and amazing. A friend had a sphynx, called Shiwa. She was amazing.

So we found our own tiny, grey bundle of joy. Her name is Freya. She is the light of our lives.

But Freya was lonely on her own. So we found her sister, Juno. A tiny, sweet grey and white girl. Full of fun and innocence.

Then, thanks to lovely Merryll, we took two more babies home, Apollo and Athena. The mischief was beyond belief.

Our house is full of love. And at times, mayhem.

We’re getting ready to share that joy.

Are you ready?

About Stellar

Stellar is a registered breeder with Cat Owners’ Association of Western Australia and abides by the COAWA ethics.